Coming Soon
The Wizard of Oz
Swain County High School and the Swain Arts Center proudly present the full length musical adaptation of the classic L. Frank Baum novel, The Wizard of Oz.
The Swain High Vocal Ensemble is hard at work, preparing to bring this classic musical, that has been entertaining audiences for generations, to our stage. This will be the full length musical featured in the 1939 film starring Judy Garland with some musical numbers that were cut from the original movie such as The Jitter Bug. You will not want to miss this show!
Tickets are available online and at the door. $12 for Adults and $6 for Students.
Brotherhood, a dynamic 7-piece Doobie Brothers Tribute band from Atlanta, emerged in 2019 with a singular goal – to faithfully recreate the unparalleled "Doobie Brothers" concert experience. With a repertoire spanning over 50 years, they flawlessly perform all the iconic hits, capturing the essence of the legendary band's enduring legacy.
One Night Only!
Friday - April 11, 2025 - 6PM
Adults $10, Students $5
Tickets Available Online and at the door.
General Admission Only
Thunder in the Smokies
An Appalachian Clogging Celebration
Saturday - April 26, 2025 - 2pm
The Southern Appalachians are home to some of the best clogging groups in the world. Come out to celebrate this uniquely American dance form.
Tickets $5 All Seats - Available at the Door or Online
Appalachian Smoke
Saturday - April 26, 2025 - 7pm
We are proud to announce the return of local bluegrass music sensation, Appalachian Smoke to our stage. If you missed their last performance in the Fall, you will not want to miss this opportunity to enjoy the music of this rising group.
Adults $10 - Students $5 - General Admission Only
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
Sunday April 27, 2025 - 2pm - 5pm
Come out and enjoy an afternoon participating in the oldest form of photography. We will spend the afternoon constructing our own pinhole cameras and then we will use those cameras to take pictures. By the end of the day, we will have some of our very own pinhole photos to share with the world.
This is a free event suitable for the entire family.
We're going to celebrate a day early!
Saturday - May 3, 2025 - 2pm
Save the Date! We will have light saber duels as well as a screening of the original release of Episode IV, A New Hope.
This is a free event suitable for the entire family.
Joe Holt, Director
1415 Fontana Road
Bryson City, NC 28713
© Swain Arts Center Site Map
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